Management Library
A free online management library for non-profit organizations and others. Selected for Nursing 453, Leadership and Management in Health Care, Janet Walker.
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care 
The Task Force is established by the Public Health Agency of Canada to develop clinical practice guidelines that support primary care providers in delivering preventive health care. Selected by Professor Pamela Ratner.
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control 
This site was selected as a core resource for the Nurse Practitioner Program, Professor Gloria Joachim.
Fraser Institute Information Centre. Health. 
The Institute is exploring how market incentives within the public health care system, such as medical savings accounts, can improve the quality of care for all Canadians. Reform of the current public system could also encourage private investment and medical innovation, create employment, and increase the range and quality of health care available.
Overview of legislation relevant to nursing practice 
Selected for Nursing 502, Nursing and the Delivery of Health Care, Professor Alison Rice.
Challenge of caring: a history of women and health care in British Columbia 
Selected for Nursing 502, Nursing and the Delivery of Health Care, Professor Alison Rice.
Provincial Health Officer's Annual Reports 
Since 1993, the Provincial Health Officer has been required by the Health Act to report annually to British Columbians on their health status and on the need for policies and programs that will improve their health. Selected for Nursing 502, Nursing and the Delivery of Health Care, Professor Alison Rice.
Health Goals For British Columbia 
Selected for Nursing 502, Nursing and the Delivery of Health Care, Professor Alison Rice.
Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement 
The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement has a comprehensive links page to associations, databases and other data retrieval resources, evidence-based healthcare resources, funding agencies, government agencies, health ministries, journals and research centres.
Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI) 
Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI) is a partnership of the Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia, the University of British Columbia and the community and was established in July 1995 to promote and support research that advances the health of children, youth, women and their families. The site offers information about their goals and programs as well as descriptions of, and contacts for, research, educational, and support services.
Nursing Outcomes - Canada 
The Nursing Health Services Research Unit is a collaborative project of the University of Toronto, Faculty of Nursing and McMaster University, School of Nursing. In its ten year history, the nursing research unit has had three names, reflecting its evolving research emphases as it responded to changing health services priorities. The unit was first established as the Quality of nursing Worklife Research Unit (QWL) in 1990 with a 5 - year base funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). The unit was renamed the Nursing Effectiveness Utilization and outcomes Research Unit (NEUORU) in 1996 and funded for another 5 years. This funding was later extended to 2004. In 2004, the unit was refunded for an additional five years as the Nursing Health Services Research Unit (NHSRU).
UBC Nursing Research 
The Office for Nursing Research facilitates and supports coordinated programs of research, research utilization and other scholarly activities in the UBC School of Nursing.
National Institute of Nursing Research
The mission of the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) is to support clinical and basic research to establish a scientific basis for the care of individuals across the life span. This site includes links to NINR publications, research funding and programs, NINR news and links of interest.
Registry of Nursing Research
In an effort to support nursing knowledge worldwide, Sigma Theta Tau provides the Registry of Nursing Research (RNR) as a complimentary resource.