Evidence-Based Medicine
Critiquing the evidence: How do I know if I can use the evidence? - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
10 questions to ask when evaluating evidence in terms of how it applies to your practice.
Internet for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting
A free tutorial on searching the Internet and evaluating online information.
Do You Know Where Your Information Came From?
Written by a librarian, the author critically evaluates the statement that "maternity care constitutes 20% of all health care costs." The author suggests questions we should put to any source, especially sources on the Internet, before we use the information.
Patient Care
Practicing Midwifery in British Columbia - College of Midwives of BC (CMBC) 
Brief overview of the midwifery profession in terms of autonomous primary care, continunity of care, informed choice, and pay per course of care.
Midwifery Model of Practice - College of Midwives of BC (CMBC) 
Overview of midwifery care starting with a definition of a midwife, scope of practice, type of care, informed choice, choice of birth setting, and accountability.
Indications for Planned Place of Birth - College of Midwives of BC (CMBC)
Discusses primary care, and how the choice of care between physician or midwife effects the site of birth.
Overview of Maternity Care in the US
US statistics (2001 data) used to show problems in maternity care system; mentions problems in context of describing US maternity care as "big business."
Giving Birth "In Place" - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Explains what to do if a woman goes into labour during an emergency with diagrams; written for the general public.
Cost Effectiveness - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Reports on study that use of a birth centre costs less than hospital, and planned home births eliminate hospital costs; includes bibliography.
Environmental hazards during pregnancy
Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health (JMWH) v.51 n.1.
Caregiver Support for Women During Childbirth: Does the Presence of a Labor-
A clinical scenario is presented with the question: "Should we recommend that pregnant women have an experienced female support person with them during labor and delivery?"
Birth Centers - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Short paragraph citing evidence that a birth center managed by a midwife is a "safe and satisfying alternative to hospital confinement for healthy women." Bibliography included.
Home Childbirth
Statement on Home Birth - College of Midwives of BC (CMBC) 
Statement on "informed choice" and safety of home births; includes bibliography (37 citations).
Required equipment and supplies for home birth setting - College of Midwives of BC (CMBC) 
Minimum list of equipment, supplies, and medications, including contents for a required emergency birth kit.
Planned Home Births are Safe
Summary with statistics reporting that "home birth is safe for low risk women and involves far fewer interventions than similar births in hospitals." Summary based on Kenneth C Johnson and Betty-Anne Daviss. _Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America._ BMJ 2005;330:1416 (18 June).
Safety of Alternative Approaches to Childbirth
Summary of dissertation with statistics suggesting that the "...the move of childbirth from home to the hospital might not have improved the outcomes for these low risk pregnancies." Selected references included.
Criteria for Provision of Home Birth Services - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Position statement on home birth in terms of safety, community standards, guidelines, and risk assessment; bibliography included.
Home Birth - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Home birth described in a position statement, research with citations and abstracts, and references to publications.
Cesarean Sections
Consumer - Should I Have a Cesarean Section?
Answers questions about a cesarean section or c-section; includes flow-chart to help a person decide.
National Sentinel Caesarean Section Audit Report (UK)
Report to develop guidelines for caesarean sections based on data; examines decision making before caesarean; maternal and obstetricians' viewpoint on childbirth; 181 references.
Cesarean Rate Rises to Highest Ever Reported in the United States
US statistics (2002 data), derived from the National Center for Health Statistics, on the cesarean rate in the US, along with a few statistics on infant and maternal mortality.
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Delivery (VBAC) - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
ACNM position statement on VBAC with references.
History of Midwifery
The Experiences and Education of Midwives in Three Canadian Provinces 
74 pages; a thesis with an overview of midwifery in Canada in the 20th century, and the status (2002) of midwifery in three Canadian provinces, as well as barriers to education.
Midwife - Historica Minutes 
From the site: "In the televised mini-drama, a skilled midwife risks the hazards of a rural winter to deliver a child on an isolated farm." Streaming video.
Summary of the history of midwifery in Canada 
Chronology of key events in midwifery organized under the headings: associations, education, and legislation; some citations.
Midwifery in Canada: a new midwifery for the new world 
Short published article by Lesley Page providing a context for midwifery in Canada, particularly in British Columbia.
British Columbia, Doula Services Association 
A non-profit association promoting Birth and Postpartum Doula support for families in British Columbia.
DONA International (Doulas)
P.O. Box 626, Jasper, Indiana 47547. E-mail: Info@DONA.org Tel: (888) 788-DONA (3662).
DONA International - Birth Record Sheet
Birth record sheet is a form that can be used by doulas to record and track the labour and deliver
DONA International - Continuing Education and the Doula's Scope of Practice
Questions that a doula can use to assess whether the doula_s action or advice is outside or within scope of practice.
Social Support By Doulas During Labor And The Early Postpartum Period
Journal article on history of doulas with emphasis on the physical and emtional support offered by doulas, and the effects of doulas on outcomes and cost.
DONA International - Position Paper: The Doula's Contribution to Modern Maternity Care
Describes role of doulas, questions for evaluating a doula, and statistics on the impact of doulas.
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)- Support for Women During Childbirth...
Basic overview of doulas, including quotation supporting doulas from the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group, and references to doula organizations.
DONA International - Continuing Education and the Doula's Scope of Practice
Questions that a doula can use to assess whether the doula_s action or advice is outside or within scope of practice.