British Columbia, Find a Midwife 
By area, practice, or name in BC, Canada.
Registrants - College of Midwives of British Columbia (CMBC) 
Includes date of registration, name, address, and phone number.
Ontario - Find a Midwife 
Search by region, city, practice name, hospitals, or the name of the midwife.
United States - Find a Midwife
Search by street, city, state, zip code, and by preference of birth site. 5 to 50 results will be retrieved. Results may come with Google Maps to provide directions.
Find a Doula
Select a location from the drop-down menu. Allows one to limit results: birth doulas, or postpartum doulas. Results for United States, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, among other countries.
Washington State - Find a Midwife
Click on Midwives by Communities or Midwives by Regions for a list of midwives in Washington, US.
Guide to Effective Care During Pregnancy and Childbirth
A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth is an overview of results of the best available research about effects of specific maternity practices.The full text of the current edition (Oxford University Press, 2000) is available on this website courtesy of the authors: Murray Enkin, Marc J.N.C. Keirse, James Neilson, Caroline Crowther, Lelia Duley, Ellen Hodnett and Justus Hofmeyr. A separate page provides information about this Guide. Selected by Professor Alison Rice.
Reading lists
DONA International- Postpartum Doula Certification Required Reading List
2 pages; reading list used for doula certification; title and author listed.
DONA International - Birth Doula Certification Reading List
1 page; reading list for doula certification; author and title listed.
Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA) - Midwifery Reader's Bibliography
9 pages estimate; web site with midwifery books organized by primary reference, secondary reference, text books, other, and entertaining reading. Reference lists are developed for the NARM examination.
Journals & Newsletters
Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice
Open access journal
Quickening - American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Available to ACNM members, but highlights are presented on the Quickening site.
Midwifery Today E-News
Free biweekly electronic newsletter covering all aspects of midwifery.
MidwifeInfo E-Magazine
Monthly electronic newsletter about childbirth and midwifery; the listserv is moderated and members cannot post to the list; 1-2 emails sent out per month.
Midwifery Today
Includes a link to Midwifery Today Magazine as well as links to conferences and other sites.
Awards and Honours
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
ACNM list of awards and honours for midwives
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Foundation
ACNM Foundation list of active and inactive awards and honours. Two active awards: (1) Excellence in Teaching Award; (2)Hazel Corbin/Childbirth Connection Grant for Evidence-Based Midwifery Care.
Safe Motherhood Quilt Project
The Quilt Project was the vision of Ina May Gaskin, and it honours women who have died of pregnancy-related causes since 1982. You can submit a quilt square to honour a woman. More information on the site.
Social Media
Vancouver Doula 
From the blog: by a doula, Jacquie Munro, Vancouver, British Columbia. "I have been the Co-ordinator for Vancouver Childbirth, a founding developer of the Douglas College Doula Course, the BC Doulas of North America representative..."
From the blog: a doula working in downtown Ottawa and prospective midwifery student.
Belly tales
From the blog: a 28 year old student midwife in New York working towards a Masters degree in Midwifery and the credential of CNM.
Midwifery Information - Royal College of Midwives (UK)
Midwifery Information is a blog on library services at the Royal College of Midwives (UK). Monitors UK news sources, such as BBC, on midwifery related articles.
Doula Talk: DONA International Discussion Board
A online bulletin board for doulas and the public to discuss issues related to birth; business advertisements are not allowed. Bulletin board is moderated. There is a public and members only board.